Ashton cigars have steadily built a reputation over
the years as a stick that offers both consistency and class. At first puff you
will notice these Churchills are certainly no exception!
Ashton’s reputation as a world-class cigar maker started with the
cigars that have evolved
into these Ashton Classics. Handmade in the Dominican Republic by the legendary
Tabacalera A. Fuente, the original Ashton Classic cigars are a dream-come-true for
those looking for a smooth, yet flavorful smoke.
In terms of construction, the Ashton Classic Churchill is a behemoth
of a cigar, weighing it an impressive 7 ½” x 52. You are sure to notice the
stunning Connecticut shade wrapper surrounding the finest of aged Dominican
tobaccos. These cigars are mild-to-medium in body and packed with flavors of
white pepper & spice with a gentle dash of roasted nuts. Perfect for those
looking for taste without the kick, Ashton Classic should always be a welcome
addition to any humidor and is mild enough for most aficionados just getting
started with toasting cigars.
This Churchill burns cool, slow and easy, making it the ultimate time
killer. The core flavors run from start to finish and build in complexity with
each puff. Give yourself a couple of hours with this big stick and prepare to
watch the world go!