Once again Dr. Alejandro Martinez Cuenca, fearless leader of Joya de Nicaragua, has ushered in one of the most unique cigars on the market, the Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta. These amazing jewels are smooth as silk with a mind-boggling wrapped by not one, but two different leaves.
The Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Corona Gorda is a stunning 5 ¼” x 46 stick that is filled with luxurious Nicaraguan tobaccos bound by a meaty Nicaraguan binder leaf. A Truly remarkable two-part wrapper follows when a Nicaragua Habano Criollo wrapper meets an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade leaf creating a truly distinctive 55 minute smoke.
The Connecticut Shade wrapper kicks off the smooth and mellow smoke, dishing out creamy cocoa and earth notes. The leisurely experience moves from mild to medium as spice and coffee flavors draw you closer to the Criollo wrapper leaf. The final stretch of the Cabinetta grows in complexity producing a gentle pepper finish.
The Joya de Nicaragua is the perfect companion for that morning cup of coffee while catching up on the news, but is also a fantastic smoke for out on the town that will definitely get the conversations going! One of a kind and delicious, the Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta will keep a smile on your face that lasts long after its put to rest.