The darker version of the Asylum Schizo cigar. This one packs more flavor and a bit more depth that'll have you swooning for more.
You might know the Asylum Schizo natural is a Nicaraguan puro cigar - meaning all the tobacco used comes from Nicaragua. In contrast to that original release, the Schizo Maduro gets most of its leaf and heritage from Honduras.
These bundled sticks are cheap but extremely flavorful. For the cigar lovers lucky enough to discover them it's a smoke for a few bucks you won't want to let go of. The Schizo maduro cigars feature both long and short filler tobaccos. Like all Asylum cigars, expect solid construction. We think you'll spot notes of chocolate, spice, pepper and wood with these 6.0" x 50 cigars. Oh, and don't forget - the cigar itself is wrapped with a San Andres wrapper that's manufactured cuban-sandwich style. Enjoy!