Avo cigars have been touted for years as one of
the best all-around cigars available, due in part to their unequaled quality
and taste. That same reputation carries over to the junior of the Avo line, the
Avo Puritos.
With a Connecticut wrapper and binder surrounding
Dominican filler tobaccos, the 4” x 30 Puritos also carries the same
sophisticated flavor profile to that of the larger Avo Classic cigars. Expertly
made by hand, these tasty treats are a delightful diversion anytime. Easy going
hazelnut, wood and spice flavors accompany a delightfully aromatic smoke.
Smooth and mellow, the Avo Puritos are for all to
enjoy, both newbies and veterans alike. The draw is outstanding on these little
jewels and is remarkable for cigars this size. The effortless smoke and
scrumptious flavors will cause many a satisfied smile.
The Avo Puritos mellow character and convenient
packaging make them a clear choice for those on the go, yet they are just as
suited to those who have nowhere to go and are in no hurry getting there! Enjoy
the Puritos anytime for 25 minutes of delight. For a seriously guilty pleasure
try these smokes with biscotti and a cappuccino.