When Avo Uvezian first joined forces with the folks at Davidoff cigars, it made for a dynamic pairing of a passionate lover of life, music and cigars with a factory that is home to some of the most accomplished cigar makers in the World. And the amazingly complex Avo Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Special Toro is yet another in a long line of smokes that confirm Avo’s place amongst the all-time greats.
The Avo Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Special Toro is a beautifully crafted 6” x 60 stick built around a lavish mixture of Yamasa Viso, Piloto and San Vicente Ligero tobaccos from the Dominican Republic that combine with Esteli Ligero and Condega Viso leaves from Nicaragua to form the filler blend. A Mexican San Andres Negro binder and an Ecuadorian Habana 2000 Clara wrapper leaf complete what will prove an astonishingly satisfying hour or longer smoke.
A wondrously sophisticated medium-bodied experience, the Avo Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Special Toro revs up the taste-buds with endlessly pleasing wood, cream, spice, earth, leather, floral and pepper flavors that are topped by sweet and malty nuances.
Avo Uvezian proclaimed Fogata an ideal name for this line of smokes as Fogata translates to “campfire” or “bonfire” which is exactly what you’ll want to warm up next to and relax with these deliciously inviting smokes.