Avo cigars have gained the reputation for being some of the silkiest smooth and deliciously textured smokes on the planet, deeply satisfying cigar lovers from all levels of experience and taste. And yet none to date have proven to be as luxuriously complex or wholly gratifying as the Avo Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Toro.
The beautifully assembled Syncro Fogata Toro features an intricate filler blend of Yamasa Viso, Piloto and San Vicente Ligero tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, as well as Esteli Ligero and Condega Viso leaves from Nicaragua. The 6” x 54 beauty is finished off with a Mexican San Andres Negro binder and an Ecuadorian Habana 2000 Clara wrapper leaf.
A solid hour-long experience, the rich and tasty medium-bodied Avo Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Toro delivers a mind-blowing array of plush wood, cream, spice, earth, leather, floral and pepper flavors that are tied together by a sweet and malty undercurrent.
“Fogata” translates to “bonfire” or “campfire” and even Avo Uvezian himself declared the name ideal for these sumptuous treats that are best enjoyed with friends and libations around a warm crackling fire. Sophisticated and savory, the Avo Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Toro is a stunning creation worthy of any celebration.