Danli, Honduras is home to some of the world’s best cigar manufacturing operations, so it is no surprise that the sweet and tasty Baccarat cigars come from Danli and are so well-made and well-liked. The Baccarat Panatela is a delectable little gem that always delivers a truly great smoke.
The slender 6” x 36 Panatela is comprised of an amazing blend of Honduran tobaccos that are perfectly assembled into a gloriously smooth stick. A Honduran-grown Connecticut Seed wrapper surrounds the Panatela, releasing sweet scents into the air while leaving a sweet taste to the lips.
Once the Baccarat Panatela is put to flame, flavors of cream, wood and coffee along with a soft sweetened nuance will flutter effortlessly along the palate. The sensuous smoke is mild in body to start and will ease into a medium range on the way to a pleasingly scrumptious finish. The Baccarat Panatela will deliver a solid 40 minute smoke at any time of the day.
The Baccarat Panatela is a fine choice for all enthusiasts and has especially garnered all-star status amongst lady aficionados. Enjoy the Baccarat Panatela with a zestier Sauvignon Blanc and savor the sweet, mellow and delicious Baccarat experience.