AJ Fernandez has mastered the art of creating award-winning cigars that combine artistry and refinement with all the flavors modern cigar smokers want. There is no better example of Fernandez’s knack for dealing out uber-satisfying smokes than the Bellas Artes Habano Toro. Inspired by Havana’s fine art museum, Bellas Artes Habano cigars channel everything about Cuban cigars into a distinctively Nicaraguan experience.
The Bellas Artes Habano Toro is a 6” x 54 box-pressed cigar with an enticing hybrid Nicaraguan Rojita Habano wrapper. Underneath is a Nicaraguan binder from the legendary Quilali area containing a smattering of Brazilian and Honduran leaves mixed in with Nicaraguan Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa filler tobacco.
The Bellas Artes Habano Toro provides over an hour of deep cigar-smoking engagement highlighted by rich earth, cedar, anise, and leather flavors. Mixed nut and herbal notes boost the level of complexity, while a lavish creamy undertone maintains smoothness and balance. The medium-to-full-bodied smoke concludes with a bold yet impressively sophisticated finish.
The Bellas Artes Habano Toro is a delicious experience that entertains with a panoramic flavor profile and perfectly refined character. Discerning palates will especially appreciate the Bellas Artes Habano blend’s ability to let each of the smoke’s subtleties time to shine.