Check out the very best that Brick House brings to the American cigar fan with this "Mighty Mighty" cigar sampler.
Brick House produces their cigars with a robust blend of Nicaraguan long-filler tobacco. A puro-cigar that's known for medium to full bodied strength that's not only rich and powerful, it's also smooth across your palate. In this Brick House cigar sampler, you'll likely pick on a bunch of different flavors that include some notes of earth, some peppery spices, cedar, and possibly even some coffee or espresso.
If you know Brick House, you know they're well known for quality construction and good-quality tobacco. With this four-pack, you get a chance to judge for yourself.
The Brick House Mighty Sampler contains:
1 - Brick House Mighty Mighty cigar (6.25" x 60)
1 - Brick House Mighty Mighty Maduro cigar (6.25" x 60)
1 - Brick House Toro cigar (6" x 52)
1 - Brick House Robusto cigar (5" x 54)