For a great many cigar lovers, cigar and whiskey pairing is the ultimate pastime. Bourbon is a particular favorite cigar pairing partner, so it should be no surprise that one of the most revered bourbons in the business, Buffalo Trace, has its own cigar. Buffalo Trace cigars beautifully complement the award-winning bourbon, delivering an intensely gratifying sensory experience for all, proving to be most worthy of their namesake.
The Buffalo Trace Toro is an impressive 6” x 52 stick built around a hearty core of barrel-aged Dominican Piloto Cubano and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos. These tobaccos are joined by a Brazilian Arapiraca binder and a velvety Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper leaf. The resulting smoke is a medium-bodied hour or so journey.
While infusing tobacco has been a popular cigar flavoring process in recent years, Buffalo Trace cigars are not infused with bourbon whiskey or other flavors. The finer nuances of the bourbon and the tobacco are instead allowed to work in tandem naturally for optimal body and taste. As a result, savory earth, wood, leather, and nut flavors explode out of the smoke, while subtle hints of vanilla cream and exotic spice round out a smooth and tasty finish.
The Buffalo Trace Toro is an expertly crafted cigar that is sure to please a broad range of tastes, from veteran cigar aficionados to those new to the lifestyle. Of course, you don’t have to love bourbon to enjoy these smokes! If you do fancy a little libation with your cigars, however, then a Buffalo Trace cigar and bourbon pairing is a treat you won’t soon forget!