This Arturo Fuente Curlyhead Natural Lancero/Panatela cigars are an excellent mild-medium bodied cigar that'll give you about 45-minutes of puffing time.
Arturo Fuente may be the first family of cigars in the mind of most American stogie fans. The company produces a solid line-up of cigars, many of which are considered among the best money can buy. This Curly Head line-up is the most economical line that Fuente offers the American market. In it, you get a taste of the things that Fuente brings to the table.
These Curly Head Lancero sticks arrive like all the other sticks in the Curly Head line-up, they don't have bands on them. Overall, they bring a very mild flavor profile that make them a great choice for someone who doesn't have a ton of experience smoking cigars.
Shipped in boxes of 40, you'll receive these cigars ready to smoke or ready for your humidor so be sure to give this great value smoke a try today!