Creating a cigar that captures the spirit of the traditional Cuban cigar has always been the ultimate challenge and dream of cigar makers around the world. It is this passionate goal which has propelled Glen Case and his Kristoff team to create a cigar that has been thrust into the ranks of the World’s best, the Kristoff Criollo.
The Criollo Torpedo’s Cuban Seed Honduran Criollo wrapper surrounds flavorful Cuban Seed tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaraguan that held together by Cuban Seed Dominican binder. Expertly made, the 6 ¼” x 52 Torpedo perfectly corrals the Criollo’s epic flavor profile into a smooth, medium-bodied smoke that any aficionado can enjoy.
Spice, toasted almonds and earthy peat flavors will greet the palate at first puff with a slight sweet caramel undertone. The finish is big, yet controlled with some wood and pepper tastes joining the party. The Criollo Torpedo will keep you smiling well beyond an hour and should find a home in almost any humidor.
The Kristoff Criollo Torpedo is the perfect every day connoisseurs smoke with big flavors, smooth nature and Cuban mystique. Any way you draw it up, the Kristoff Criollo is a winner through and through.