The humble beginning of CAO cigars is a classic
American tale of timing and fortitude that has culminated in one of the great
cigars available today. Born out of the Ozenger family Meerschaum pipe business
as a simple side venture, CAO cigars took the World by storm eventually leading
to an amazing tribute to the American Dream called the CAO America Monument.
The 90-rated CAO Monument is a sturdy 6 ¼” x 54
Torpedo that is shrouded by two wrapper leaves. A Connecticut Shade wrapper and
Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper overlap to form a unique pinstripe appearance, as
they cover a Brazilian binder leaf and a blend of 100% Ligero filler tobaccos
from the US, Nicaragua, Italy and the Dominican Republic.
The rich and patriotic adventure of the CAO
America Monument is filled with wood, coffee and spice flavors that are
enveloped by a serenely smooth and creamy character. The medium-to-full bodied
smoke is perfectly balanced with a subtle sweetness that flows until the
sparkling grand finale.
No matter the occasion, the CAO America Monument
is a stunner that will please a wide range of cigar enthusiasts with its quality,
taste and wildly entertaining appearance. Not merely a novelty, this “candy
cane for America” is a grand celebration of the Ozenger family’s legacy and of
their adoptive home they so dearly love! Smoke one for America today!