"Beautiful, for hand rolled tobacco. For maduro wrapped ligero fillers..."
The CI and CAO, two rock-ribbed American companies put on this planet to bring you the best premium cigars at the best prices. And what better way to tribute the best damn country in the world than with a tasty and satisfying super-premium cigar? We give you, CAO America. The America cigar is another intriguing handmade from the masterminds at CAO. Finished in pin-stripe format, the America employs two beautiful wrappers: a thick and oily Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro and a flawless Connecticut shade leaf. Despite its appearance, the full leaf of each is in fact utilized.
Inside, a robust, 100% ligero mixture of Dominican, Nicaraguan, Italian, and American (USA!) tobacco is blended into an eventful smoking experience. Expect a rich, chewy smoke loaded with creamy, oaky nuances, with a short, but pleasantly sweet finish. Get ready, however, the America cigar is a robust firecracker ready to satisfy even the most savage of beasts! Enjoy this fine cigar after a hearty steak dinner with a bold microbrew.