Cohiba is one of the World’s most esteemed brands and is home to a storied library of luxurious smokes that have come to symbolize the absolute pinnacle of cigar smoking enjoyment. While this super-premium reputation is all well and good, the high-end price tag more often than not has everyday cigar lovers relegating Cohibas to the status of “special occasion” cigar. That is about to change, however, with the arrival of the Cohiba Blue Toro.
More affordable than any other Cohiba before it, the 6” x 54 Cohiba Blue Toro is a fantastically smooth medium-bodied experience hailing from the Dominican Republic’s cigar-making capitol of Santiago that will delight the senses for over an hour of scintillating goodness.
The Cohiba Blue Toro gets its luscious texture and complexity from a stunning mixture of Honduran Jamastran, Nicaraguan Ometepe and Dominican Piloto Cubano filler tobaccos which are surrounded by a Honduran Habano binder and Honduran Habano wrapper, both from Olancho San Augustin.
These tobaccos come together to engulf the taste-buds in thick pepper, wood, earth, spice and cream flavors that will excite Cohiba loyalists and those new to the line alike. The Cohiba Blue Toro may not be the cheapest cigar in the World, but getting an authentic Cohiba that is at once rich in taste, smooth in character and relatively easy on the wallet is a win for cigar enthusiasts everywhere!