In celebration of Joya de Nicaragua’s 45th Anniversary, the storied brand needed a worthy cigar to celebrate its heritage as well as the true spirit of Nicaragua. What Joya de Nicaragua’s skipper Dr. Alejandro Martinez Cuenca and his team created is truly a Nicaraguan cigar for the ages. The aptly named Cuatro Cinco is an amazing one of a kind experience.
The Cuatro Cinco is a 6” x 54 Nicaraguan Puro sporting luscious tobaccos from the Estelí and Jalapa regions. The filler is comprised of rich Ligero tobaccos that have been aged for 5 years and then placed in oak barrels for further aging. Shrouded by a binder and wrapper from Jalapa, the Cuatro Cinco is beautifully box-press for a truly commanding presence.
A plethora of flavors emerge and evolve with each puff of the medium-to-full charactered smoke. Spice, coffee and pepper notes swirl around a backbone of wood with a slightly sweet undertone. The thrilling cigar will burn beautifully for well over an hour, as the Cuatro Cinco is crafted by only the most experienced tabaqueros. A grand finish puts the exclamation point on the magnificent celebration.