The Cohiba Royale series is home to the most deeply satisfying creations in the entire Cohiba library of luxury cigars. As an exercise in precision blending and construction, Cohiba Royale Robusto cigars deliver extraordinary richness, complexity, and refinement tailormade for discerning cigar connoisseurs.
The Cohiba Royale Robusto features an intricate filler blend of Nicaraguan Esteli and Jalapa tobaccos, along with supple Jamastran tobaccos from Honduras. A dark Nicaraguan Jalapa Broadleaf wrapper surrounds these exceptional tobaccos and a lively Dominican Piloto Cubano binder. All tobaccos are aged 5-6 years to deliver complexity and smoothness that brings endless sensory delights.
Once you spark up a Cohiba Royale Robusto, you embark on an exploration of the deeper possibilities of finely aged tobaccos. The tantalizing 5 ½” x 54 cigar begins as a medium-to-full-bodied smoke with cocoa, coffee, earth, and cream notes woven into each puff. Intensity increases with waves of black pepper that merge with touches of sweetness for a remarkably rich and complex finish.
The Cohiba Royale series marks the first time Cohiba cigars have been crafted in Honduras, and If the exceptional quality of the Royale Robusto is any indication, it certainly won’t be the last. Along with cigar bands featuring an eye-catching carbon fiber design, the Cohiba Royale Robusto is an unforgettable cigar smoking experience that only Cohiba could deliver.