Tobacco blending master Nick Melillo’s Foundation Cigar Company has become the ideal source for cigar lovers who desire smokes blended for modern tastes that also exude a pleasing Old World appeal. There is none in the Foundation line-up, however, that is as so uniquely gratifying as those from Jamaica-inspired The Upsetters Django.
Named in honor of Bass “Django” Reeves who rose from slavery to become a legendary lawmen, The Upsetters Django features a voluptuous blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos which are blended with Jamaica’s indigenous “cow’s tongue” leaf and subjected to a meticulous “Caribbean atmospheric herbal fusion”, all cloaked in a Sumatra wrapper leaf.
The resulting 5” x 54 Robusto is a scrumptiously entertaining smoke for cigar enthusiasts from a broad spectrum of tastes that will enliven the senses with a wondrous mix of natural tobacco notes and lively splashes of sweetness throughout the near-hour long experience.
Inspired by Lee “Scratch” Perry’s storied house band and record label of the same name, the Upsetters series from Foundation Cigar Company is a delicious delight that celebrates the legacy of Jamaica’s past and makes for a thoroughly modern and wholly satisfying smoke for all.