For decades Montecristo cigars have set the standard for what premium cigars should be, offering a vast catalog of some of the smoothest smokes in the land. And so what happens when cigar blending master AJ Fernandez gets the chance to create a cigar for the storied Montecristo line-up? You get one thrillingly delicious smoke: the Montecristo Crafted By AJ Fernandez Gordo.
A wondrously thick and well-built box-pressed cigar, the 6” x 58 Montecristo Crafted By AJ Fernandez Gordo is loaded with deeply textured Nicaraguan and Honduran filler tobaccos which are placed inside of a Mexican San Andres binder leaf and an sensuous Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper leaf.
The Montecristo Crafted By AJ Fernandez Gordo delivers a wildly pleasing array of cocoa, pepper, spice, espresso, anise and leather flavors which form the foundation for a full-flavored sensory party that concludes with a bold and intensely satisfying grand finale.
One of the most voluptuous smokes to ever wear either the Montecristo or AJ Fernandez name, the Montecristo Crafted By AJ Fernandez Gordo is an adventure for the heartiest of connoisseurs to love. Enjoy these incredible smokes after dinner with a libation of your choice and toast to a truly legendary pair: Montecristo and AJ Fernandez!