It is not very often a cigar brand extension comes along that not only emerges from the original’s shadow, but stands shoulder to shoulder in all its glory. The Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Churchill has done just that, delivering a remarkably flavorful smoke that carries the same silky smoothness of the original Romeo y Julieta cigars.
The Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Churchill is a sturdy 7” x 50 stick built around a core of Nicaraguan Ligero and Dominican filler tobaccos which are tucked into a Nicaraguan binder leaf. A gorgeously blonde Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper surrounds it all to finish off the luxurious hour and a half or longer smoke.
Once the lush Reserva Real Churchill adventure begins, savory wood and toast notes settle on the palate while earth, spice and nut flavors emerge in support. A sweet and creamy undercurrent flows throughout the medium-bodied smoke that picks up steam for a decisively rich and lively finale.
The Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Churchill is a wondrous smoke that satisfies as much as it entertains and will make a grand addition to any line-up. Whether for special occasions or as an everyday treat, the Reserva Real Churchill is a delicious treasure available in boxes of 10 or 25 cigars. Enjoy with a fine Sherry for a pleasant after dinner treat.