From the masters of Nicaraguan cigars, Joya de
Nicaragua, comes the ferociously rich and delicious Antano 1970. The fabulous
range of bold Nicaraguan Puro cigars are a fine tribute to the early days of
the famous brand’s success and there meteoric rise during the 1970s.
The Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Consul is a
classic 4 ½” x 52 cigar that is wrapped with a thick Nicaraguan Habano Criollo
leaf. Meaty Nicaraguan filler tobaccos are held fast by a Nicaraguan binder
completing the full-bodied smoke.
The first puff will bring waves of velvety earth,
pepper and leather flavors that are accompanied by a woody undertone. The rich,
luscious and bold character is not for the faint of heart, yet will deliver a
richly textured smoke that is simply too scrumptious to put into words! A spicy
and lively finish will bring the 45 minute smoke to an end, but the
satisfaction will continue long after the thick smoke fades.
A true connoisseur’s cigar, the Joya de Nicaragua
Antano 1970 Consul is an amazing cigar to add to your repertoire. The Antano
1970 is a great smoke to accompany a snifter of your favorite full-bodied
libation after a tasty meal on the town.