La Aroma de Cuba is a best-selling hub for richly textured, uber tasty cigar smoking gems handcrafted in Nicaragua by the all-star team at My Father Cigars. My Father’s, Don Pepin Garcia and his son Jaime collaborated here to raise the bar for Connecticut-wrapped cigars, and the results are stunning. The mouthwatering La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut Churchill is a masterwork that combines boldly textured taste with a smooth, refined character unlike any other La Aroma de Cuba.
La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut Churchill cigars begin with triple fermented filler tobaccos from the Garcia family’s tobacco farms in Nicaragua’s Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa regions. A shimmering Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper surrounds the exceptional tobacco to form the 7” x 50 Churchill sized beauty.
Once the La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut Churchill is set in motion, mild cedar and pepper notes engage with the senses. The palate is then surprised with sweet spice, coffee, and mixed nut flavors. The smoke settles into a pleasant, medium-bodied character that is neither too mild nor rich. Creamy undercurrents titillate the tastebuds as the profile comes together for a satisfying tangy and buttery finish.
The Garcia family once again offers cigar lovers a distinctively smooth and mellow smoke, proving you don’t need powerful, in-your-face strength to enjoy the complexity and richness of Nicaraguan tobacco. Likewise, they again prove that the Connecticut-wrapped cigars don’t need to be bland, one-note smokes. The La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut Churchill is a 90-rated stunner with endless delights for all.