In these days of political correctness and incessant technobabble, it is all the more important to follow the lead of famous cigar enthusiast Mark Twain and relax with a satisfying smoke, letting the noise of the World fade away. What better cigar to escape with than with a cigar that honors Mr. Clemens himself, the Mark Twain No. 3.
The enormous 8.0" x 52 Mark Twain No. 3 is a beautifully crafted Presidente built around a core of Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos which are adorned with a bright Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf.The resulting behemoth is an immensely satisfying experience of about an hour and a half.
Once the Mark Twain No. 3 is underway, the mild-bodied excursion delivers sumptuously smooth flavors of wood, cream and toast. A nutty undercurrent flows freely while subtle dashes of pepper and spice tease the taste-buds ever so gently all along the way to a pleasingly mellow finish.
Available in boxes of 20 giant cigars, the Mark Twain No. 3 is perfect for those who want a big and long-lasting smoke that has enough taste to excite the senses and is mild enough for any time of day no matter the occasion. Do as Mark Twain did and enjoy a tasty treat with a snifter of well-structured Bourbon.