Nick Melillo and his team at Foundation Cigar Company have created an astonishingly diverse catalog of fine smokes beloved throughout the cigar world for the sumptuous cigars’ consistency in construction, body and taste. And now, great value can be added to the list with the release of the scrumptiously good Charter Oak Connecticut Shade Toro.
Melillo has become well known for his mastery of both Connecticut and Nicaraguan tobacco, and it is on full display with this 6” x 52 beauty. The Charter Oak Connecticut Shade Toro is formed around select Cuban-seed Nicaraguan filler tobaccos from Esteli and Jalapa, which are joined by a Sumatra binder and inviting Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf.
As the Charter Oak Connecticut Shade Toro flares to life, thick notes of earth, nut, wood, and spice ooze onto the palate. Hints of cream and milk chocolate make an entrance along the way of the over an hour smoke to deliver an immensely pleasing medium-bodied experience.
The Charter Oak series is named after the famous 600-year old white oak tree, which stood sentinel over Hartford, Connecticut until it fell in 1856. Now celebrated on the Connecticut State quarter, the Charter Oak also serves as a fitting symbol for Connecticut-born Melillo to use for this tasty smoke. Elegant and stately, as well as affordable, the Charter Oak Connecticut Grande is simply unforgettable.