Nick Melillo’s Foundation Cigar Company has quickly become one of the cigar industry’s most revered cigar makers, with something to offer cigar aficionados of every conceivable level of taste or experience. And for those looking for something a little more on the adventurous side, Foundation Cigars offer up The Upsetters Para El Sapo.
Inspired by legendary artist Lee “Scratch” Perry’s house band and record label of the same name, the Upsetters line features luscious Nicaraguan tobaccos which are mixed with Jamaica’s indigenous “cow’s tongue” and put through a meticulous “Caribbean atmospheric herbal fusion” to impart wildly pleasing body and taste.
The terrifically enticing smoke delivers a highly entertaining experience loaded with natural tobacco and earth notes, which are enveloped in a silky ribbon of sweetness that will delight the taste-buds for 45 minutes or so.
The Upsetters Para El Sapo is a 4 ½” x 54 Torpedo is topped with a tantalizing Candela wrapper leaf, which garnered the nickname of “El Sapo” or “the frog” by 1950s Cuban tobacco growers. “Para el sapo” carries a different connotation in Nicaragua, meaning “The Sellouts,” but no matter which meaning you apply to The Upsetters Para El Sapo, the one thing that is certain is it is one tasty beast!