Nick Melillo immersed himself in the Nicaraguan cigar industry, working his way across some of the finest tobacco farms and cigar factories Nicaragua has to offer. After honing his craft as resident tobacco guru for Drew Estate, Melillo struck out on his own to launch Foundation Cigar Company. And the first cigars out of the gate were the award-winning El Gueguense.
Named in honor of Nicaragua’s famed folk movement, El Gueguense or “The Wiseman” showcases vintage Criollo 98 and Corojo 99 filler tobaccos grown in Nicaragua’s fertile volcanic soil found throughout the Esteli and Jalapa regions. These tobaccos are paired with a Corojo 99 Jalapa binder and a Corojo 99 Jalapa wrapper to deliver a deeply textured, medium-bodied experience.
A true crowd-pleaser, the 5 ½” x 50 El Gueguense Robusto enchants the senses for nearly an hour with endlessly flowing earth, wood and cocoa flavors underscored by thick leather and spice notes. These savory smokes are handcrafted by the experts at Nicaragua’s revered TABSA cigar factory, where the cigars are further aged in cedar humidors for thirty days before shipping.
The El Gueguense series, also known to fans as The Wiseman “Blue Label” or Wiseman Corojo, is the ideal landing spot for all those who desire an expertly crafted smoke that is intensely flavorful and uncompromisingly smooth.